Friday, June 14, 2024

TikTok trending wedding questions (III)

which hand to wear the wedding ring
(post related to TikTok trending wedding questions starts here)

On which hand to wear the wedding ring?

It is a jewel high in emotion and strong in symbolism. So much so that men and women, throughout the centuries and countries, have gotten into the habit of wearing it according to well-established codes. 

The wedding ring, this ring which symbolizes the bonds of marriage, is in fact worn on the ring finger, the ring finger par excellence. But on which hand to wear the wedding ring? Left or right ? Does the answer seem obvious to you? However, it is not the same from one end of the planet to the other and the reasons for this choice are perhaps still unknown to you. We suggest you take stock.

Why do we prefer the left hand for the wedding ring?

Regarding the tradition related to wich hand to wear the wedding ring, in France,, in Italy but also in the United States and many other Western countries, the wedding ring is traditionally worn on the ring finger of the left hand. For what ? It is not a tiktok trending wedding questions matter. It's a tradition. Several explanations are put forward for this choice. 

The first, which is also undoubtedly the most romantic, dates back to ancient Egypt. At that time, men who wanted to mark their commitment to a woman offered them a ring, generally made of plant fibers, which they placed on their left ring finger. It is from this tradition that the engagement ring, jewelry for marriage proposals, comes from. This finger was already privileged, because it was believed that a vein ran through it which led straight to the heart. It was called “vena amoris” for “vein of love”.

Quite similarly, it is traditionally believed that the left side of the body, that is to say the side where the heart is located, is dedicated to feelings and love. While the right side would be that of reason and work; remember that the vast majority of the population is right-handed. Suffice it to say that the alliance could only be on the left.

From a more pragmatic point of view, as we would be more right-handed than left-handed, moving the alliance to the left would have been a way of protecting it from shocks. And instinctively, it is easier to put a ring on your right hand on a finger on your left hand than vice versa.

Why do we sometimes wear the wedding ring on our right hand?

The traditions are multiple and their origins are never clearly established. What’s more, they evolve and change from one country to another. Thus, in many countries, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. In Brazil, in certain regions of Germany, in Poland, in Lebanon, etc., men and women wear engagement rings and wedding rings on the right. Here too, there are multiple explanations. One of them is based on a passage from the Bible, which states that the right side is better than the left side, which is called “sinistra” in Latin, let us remember.

Why is the wedding ring the wedding jewel?

Finally, whether worn on the left hand or the right hand, why was the wedding ring chosen to symbolize marriage? The interpretations are multiple. But in absolute terms, throughout the world, we attribute to the shape of the circle a symbolism linked to infinity, the eternal nature of things and the endless renewal of life. The ring takes on this uninterrupted shape, which nothing can break. The wedding ring also remains simple so that both members of the couple can wear it identically.

(to be continued)

For more info, yuo may see the rest of tiktok trending wedding questions here

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