Showing posts with label toxic trend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toxic trend. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sadfishing - toxic trend of social networks

sadfishing toxic trend of social networks
What is sadfishing, this trend that floods (with tears) social networks? Expressing sadness, dismay, even anxiety on social networks would allow influencers to arouse the interest - and therefore the engagement - of users

Sadfishing is defined as the act of posting sensitive or emotional content on social media to vie for sympathy and get attention

Social networks occupy an important place in our daily lives. Indeed, they facilitate sharing, communication and even debate. However, this omnipresent connectivity is not without risks and can sometimes lock users into a negative, even toxic sphere. So, despite the advantages that they offer, we must pay attention to their flaws, such as sendfishing toxic trend

Are we ready to break away from social media?

88% of survey respondents are aware of the problems we can face on social networks. However, only 2% of respondents are ready to give up these. 14%, being aware of the scourges they understand, say they have changed the way they use them.

On the other hand, 40% of users surveyed are perfectly aware of the risks present on these connected platforms but continue to use them as before and 32% consider that these risks are ultimately not that serious.

How to limit the sadfishing risks encountered on social networks?

1.Filter your news feed: your news feed should concentrate content that suits you and that really pleases you. So, if you come across posts that do not suit you or that you do not want to see, it is advisable to unfollow, mute or even report (if necessary) the accounts sharing them. 

2.Take breaks from social media: It is important to take breaks from social media in order to take a step back from all the content you find there. It’s also an opportunity to open yourself up to other activities and enjoy “non-virtual” life.

3.Encourage thoughtful interactions: before adding your two cents in a debate launched on social networks, think before participating, since many of them do not lead to very fruitful exchanges. If you participate, favor objective information rather than an emotional reaction. Indeed, this will lead to a much more constructive discussion.

4.Promote your personal well-being: even if you feel like you're relaxing by scrolling through social media, it's generally not the best method. In fact, choose an outing, a sports session or even an activity with your loved ones to clear your head. It is essential to prioritize your mental well-being. 

5.Ask for help if needed: sometimes social networks can have a very negative effect on users' mental health. Indeed, some suffer from anxiety disorders, are depressed or feel permanent discomfort due to the content they encounter on a daily basis. In this case, it may be interesting to consult a specialized professional, in order to get out of a negative spiral.

6.Set time limits on social networks: the time spent on social networks varies greatly depending on the age of the users. In fact, young people generally spend between 1 and 4 hours per day on social networks, while older people do not spend more than an hour there, for the most part. However, it is essential for everyone to set time limits so as not to be overwhelmed on a daily basis, but also to preserve their mental health. 

7.Consult platform policies: by reviewing the policies and measures of each platform, you can get an overview of what you can expect. And a way to avoid sandfishing toxic trend of social networks