Showing posts with label apprentice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apprentice. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Apprentice TikTok 2024 Algorithm - Summer Safety Tips(III)

apprentice summer safety tips algorithm 
this is a continuation of a previous post

3. Device and account settings

Device and account settings don't have as much influence as the interaction and information signals associated with the video, but they still matter to the extent that TikTok uses them to optimize performance. However, they are based on choices made during the first connection rather than active engagements: for TikTok, therefore, they are not as relevant.

Here are some of the device and account settings considered by the TikTok algorithm:

  • Language preferences
  • The choice of country (you will probably see more content from users from your country)
  • The type of mobile device used
  • The interest categories you selected as a new user

If you are unhappy with the recommendations you receive, you can reset your personal algorithm. To do this, go to Settings & Privacy, tap Content Preferences, then Refresh Your For You feed.

Apprentice: Interact with the TikTok community

Interacting with the TikTok community through comments or messages also allows you to support this proximity link, which will optimize your content to appear in the TikTok page feed.

Summer safety tips: Post regularly

By posting at least 2 videos per day on TikTok, there is a greater chance that they will appear on the page feed. The TikTok algorithm evaluates the content creator's presence on TikTok and gives importance to content that is posted frequently.

What is not included in the TikTok algorithm

Just as important as what TikTok considers when performing its little magic tricks is the type of content it doesn't recommend. This includes :

  • Duplicate content
  • Content you've already seen
  • Content that the algorithm considers spam (including videos “seeking to artificially increase traffic”).
  • Potentially shocking content (TikTok gives the example of “explicit medical procedures” or “legal consumption of regulated products”).

Another element that TikTok does not take into account: the number of followers. This is great news for new TikTok users, or those who haven't yet amassed a large number of followers. Everyone can be successful on the platform, since TikTok does not base any of its recommendations on the number of followers or the performance of previously posted videos.

Of course, accounts with more followers will get more views as users are actively searching for that content. But if you offer quality content that directly meets the expectations of your target audience, you have as much chance of landing on their For You page as the biggest TikTok stars.

At least that’s what TikTok claims:

“You may come across a video in your feed that doesn't seem... to have accumulated a large number of likes... Adding a diversity of videos to your For You feed gives you more opportunities to come across new ones. new content categories, discover new creators and experience new approaches. »

If you want to know more about the ins and outs of the algorithm, know that TikTok has opened a Transparency Center. People who work in politics, content safety or cybersecurity can contact us to book a tour here. TikTok has also implemented a feature allowing everyday users of the platform to understand why certain videos were specifically recommended to them. In your For You feed, tap the share button. Next, tap “Why this video” (question mark icon) for a detailed explanation.

The benefits and risks of visibility on TikTok

Increasing your visibility as a content creator helps create a loyal TikTok community with similar values ​​and interests. This visibility allows you to stand out from other TikTok users and contributes to notoriety. Possibilities such as partnerships with influencers or even collaborations with brands can then be offered, which will further increase the visibility of the content creator on TikTok. This visibility can be beneficial if the content creator decides to start a business.

As mentioned summer safety tips previously, TikTok considers several elements to power its algorithm. We must therefore be on the lookout for trends that change over time. A content creator who does not watch regularly will see his visibility efforts evaporate. All the same, it is important not to create a fixation on this subject to avoid falling into an addiction, that is to want an ever larger

Friday, May 24, 2024

Apprentice TikTok 2024 Algorithm - Summer Safety Tips(II)

this is a continuation of a previous post

Want to learn more about the formula behind TikTok's algorithm (and use that knowledge to increase the reach of your own TikTok content)? Well, you've come to the right place! Let’s get to the heart of the matter right away… Well, as soon as I finish this last slime video.

Bonus summer safety tips: Use our free tool to quickly calculate your engagement rate on acount TikTok in 4 different ways. Calculate it post by post or for an entire campaign.

What is the TikTok algorithm? - or behind tiktok's algorithm

The TikTok algorithm is a proprietary formula that determines which account TikTok videos to recommend to each user.

No two TikTok users will see the same combination of videos on their For You page: this feed is indeed unique and extremely personalized. In fact, the type of content you see on this page changes over time, as the algorithm readjusts based on your changing viewing preferences.

Other data from the video itself is taken into account in the TikTok algorithm, such as the description, filters, sounds, hashtags and even special effects. It is important for a content creator to closely monitor these elements, in order to analyze which ones are popular and thus, gradually adjust their strategies to increase their visibility.

Here’s how TikTok defines the For You page algorithm:

“A stream of videos tailored to your interests, making it easy to find the content and creators you like… powered by a recommendation system that offers each user content likely to interest them."

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

Most social media companies don't like to reveal exactly how their algorithm works. What could be worse than a spammer or a scammer using this information to post a sure-fire viral video?

But in the interest of transparency, some platforms have started sharing some brief information (here's what we know about the Facebook algorithm, for example).

All this to say that TikTok finally published a post in 2020 to explain several essential ranking signals for its algorithm. While there is no doubt that the TikTok algorithm has evolved over the past four years, TikTok has not released any new details about it since this post (they are so mysterious!). We must therefore work with the information we have, even if it turns out to be quite limited.

TikTok Algorithm Ranking Signals

The main factors that influence the TikTok algorithm are: user interactions, information associated with videos, and device and account settings.

1. User interactions

Like the Instagram algorithm, the TikTok algorithm is based on user interactions with the content of the application to generate its recommendations. Every time you give as apprentice it a hint about what type of content you like or don't like, TikTok's algorithm records that data. Likewise, every time you follow or hide an account, TikTok takes note.

The For You page recommends content based on several factors, such as:

  • Videos you liked or shared on the app
  • Videos you have added to your favorites
  • Videos you marked as “Not Interested”
  • Videos you've flagged as inappropriate
  • Interests you have shown by interacting with organic content and ads
  • The accounts you follow
  • Comments you have posted
  • The creators or sounds you have chosen to hide
  • Longer videos you watched until the end
  • Content you create on your own account
The content and quality of the video

The first two seconds of the video are essential, because they define whether users will stay on the content or not. A video deemed relevant, according to the algorithm, is one that has retained attention until the end. Thus, it is certain that a good video quality, with a captivating visual, will more influence a person to stay for a long time.

Video content also plays a crucial role in visibility. In 2024, people are looking to see unique, creative content that stirs emotions or reactions. Authenticity is a key factor behind tiktok's algorithm  in establishing trust and connection with the user. This ensures that it is faithful to the published content and therefore encourages the maintenance of visibility.

(to be continued)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Apprentice TikTok 2024 Algorithm - Summer Safety Tips(I)

apprentice algorithm
In 2024, the content creators who will win everything on TikTok will be those who make long videos! TikTok has given all the indications that the algorithm will highlight this type of content. Long videos can be impressive to produce.

How the TikTok algorithm works [2024] + summer safety tips for creating buzz

While there is no silver bullet, mastering the TikTok algorithm can help you take full advantage of the platform.

TikTok has grown significantly in recent years. Its format, made up of short videos that can touch on various subjects and different trends, has won the hearts of many, even internationally. TikTok has also seen strong interest in long videos content creation. Some published videos managed to go viral and others only reached around a hundred interactions. He then wonders how, as a content creator, it is possible to increase his visibility on TikTok in 2024.

Some ideas will then be revealed to you to ensure better optimization of your videos on the TikTok page feed.

User preferences related to summer safety tips

First, you need to know user preferences on TikTok. Looking at the content that people like to see in their feed will provide inspiration on how to exploit trends. The public will then be more inclined to interact with the content, which will influence the TikTok algorithm. 

Certainly, the TikTok algorithm is the basis of the platform's success, but... it's also what makes the application a little "scary" (how could it know that I liked slime videos so much?! ).

A true apprentice phenomenon, the TikTok application now has 1.2 billion active users. Its For You page, which offers a wide variety of ultra-personalized videos, functions a bit like a personal television channel that adapts to your interests and viewing habits, sometimes including niche topics like... ASMR gardening. Therefore, it’s no surprise that TikTokers spend an average of an hour and a half per day on the application.

Users who are taking full advantage of their personalized assortment of #WaterTok long videos can't help but ask themselves this nagging question: How exactly does TiKTok decide what content to recommend to each user?

TikTok's algorithm works with the aim of keeping users on the platform for as long as possible, by targeting key content that matches their interests. Once targeted, it ends up on their page feed. The TikTok algorithm uses several elements to become efficient. To build  its algorithm, TikTok considers the number of views, shares, comments, summer safety tips, saves and many others.

2. Information associated with videos

The TikTok algorithm also collects information about the videos you view after performing a search. These signals include:

  • Legends
  • The sounds
  • Hashtags
  • The effects
  • Trending topics

(to be continued)