Monday, April 8, 2024

Taiwan, TikTok technology: Biden and Xi speak without hiding their differences (II)

The democrat also called for respect for the "right and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea", after recent incidents involving the Philippines in particular.

“The Taiwan question is the first impassable red line in Sino-American relations,” said the official Xinhua news agency, reporting Xi Jinping's remarks. “We will not allow separatist activities or external collusion supporting Taiwan independence forces to go unchecked,” she added.

The United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, whose sovereignty Beijing claims, but it provides it with military support, and opposes any change in the status quo by force.

Joe Biden also expressed his “concern” about the economic and industrial support that Beijing offers to Moscow, according to the White House.

“Don’t sit back”

“As time has gone on, we have really seen China move to help Russia rebuild its defense industrial base,” said a senior US official.

Another contentious subject, and not the least: the measures taken by Joe Biden to limit exports to China of certain advanced technologies, which Washington fears could be used for military purposes.

Xi Jinping, who sees this as a desire to undermine Chinese technological development, made it clear to his counterpart that Beijing would not “stand idly by” in the face of these restrictions.

The warning did not have much effect on the American president, who according to the White House intends to "continue to make the necessary decisions to prevent cutting-edge American technologies from being used in ways that compromise the national security" of the United States. United.

Regarding TikTok, Joe Biden reiterated his “concern” about the Chinese parent company of the popular social network, threatened by a bill in the United States.

The 81-year-old Democrat, however, assured that the objective was not to ban the platform, but to see it change ownership, explained John Kirby, spokesperson for the National Security Council, during a briefing. press.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Taiwan, TikTok technology: Biden and Xi speak without hiding their differences (I)

Targeted by an investigation in Taiwan, TikTok denies having established a subsidiary there

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden spoke by telephone on Tuesday, signaling their desire to maintain dialogue despite the still very strong tensions between the two superpowers, whether over Taiwan or technological rivalry.

For this resumption of contact after their meeting last November in California, the Chinese president and the American president "had a frank and in-depth exchange of views", indicated the Chinese public television channel CCTV.

The White House mentioned in a press release a conversation which focused as much on the possibilities of "cooperation" as on "differences", and the spokesperson John Kirby specified that it had lasted an hour and forty-five minutes.

American Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will go to China from April 3 to 9, according to her services, and the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken will also go there soon.

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met in a plush residence about forty kilometers from San Francisco last November to renew dialogue.

Chinese balloon

At the time, China and the United States were emerging from a period of very strong tension, linked to the flight over American territory by a Chinese balloon at the beginning of 2023.

The weather is therefore thawing, but there is no excessive heat coming from the official press releases published on both sides.

Particularly when it comes to Taiwan.

Joe Biden, according to the White House, called for “peace and stability” around the island which is preparing to take over a new president.

(to be continued)

President Biden promises rapid reconstruction in Baltimore

American President Joe Biden promised on Friday that he would "move heaven and earth" to rebuild the bridge that collapsed at the end of March in Baltimore, killing six people, AFP reports on Saturday, Agerpres reports.

"I'm here to tell you that your country has your back," said the Democratic president in front of the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key bridge.

President Joe Biden, who is campaigning for re-election and in competition with his predecessor Donald Trump, assured that by the end of May a new channel will be created to restore access to the port of Baltimore, one of the busiest in the country .

A temporary shipping corridor was opened earlier in the week to allow the passage of vessels involved in rescue and relief operations, but it is not wide enough to allow the passage of large commercial ships.

"I saw from above the bridge that collapsed, but on the ground I saw a united community," added the US president, who flew over the area by helicopter. "We will make sure that everything is paid for," he said, urging Congress to support his project for full financing. "We will move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as quickly as possible."

The 81-year-old Democratic president, who is trying to curry favor with the working-class electorate, also promised that reconstruction would be done with "American labor and steel" in the spirit of his industrial recovery policies which he hopes will allows him to gain an advantage over Donald Trump in the November election.

The president also paid tribute to the deceased workers, all immigrants, from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, distancing himself, in this way, from the increasingly violent rhetoric of his Republican opponent on the topic of immigration.

Baltimore is the American port through which the most new cars pass, over 800,000 last year, whether they are vehicles manufactured in the United States and exported internationally, or, conversely, imported foreign vehicles.

It is expected that the reconstruction of the Baltimore bridge, located 64 kilometers north of Washington, will take up to three years.

Friday, April 5, 2024

The current situation in Taiwan

While American President Joe Biden seemed to question the so-called “ambiguity” strategy adopted for several decades vis-à-vis China by openly declaring that “the Americans would defend Taiwan in the event of an attack” , we return to this concept initiated by decision theory but operating in international relations... as well as in everyday life.

The origin of a political strategy

“Strategic ambiguity” is a relatively recent concept, born from the historical rivalries between China and the United States over Taiwan. 

To understand its emergence, we must go back to 1949, when the Chinese nationalist party, the Kuomintang was forced to go into exile on the island of Taiwan after losing the civil war against the communists. A struggle then begins for international recognition between the two parties, both of which claim to represent all of the Chinese people. It was ultimately Mao who won in 1971, when the UN decided to bring his People's Republic of China into the organization, to the detriment of Taiwan which until then represented the country. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Bridge that collapsed in Baltimore: several precedents in the United States (II)


April 14, 1998: The tugboat Anne Holly, which was traveling in the port of Saint-Louis, struck the central span of the Eads Bridge. Eight barges broke away. Three of them hit a gambling boat permanently moored under the bridge. Fifty people were slightly injured.


September 22, 1993: Barges pushed by a tugboat in heavy fog struck and displaced the Big Bayou Canot railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama. Minutes later, an Amtrak train with 220 people on board reached the displaced bridge and derailed, killing 47 people and injuring 103 others


May 28, 1993: The tugboat Chris, pushing the empty barge DM3021, struck a pillar of the Judge William Seeber Bridge in New Orleans. Two spans and the two-post bridge collapsed onto the barge. Two cars carrying three people fell with the deck of the four-lane bridge into a canal. One person died and two others were seriously injured.


May 9, 1980: The 609-foot cargo ship Summit Venture was navigating the narrow, winding channel of Tampa Bay, Florida, when the ship's radar was disrupted. The vessel sheared off a support of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, bringing down a 1,400-foot section of concrete roadway during the morning rush hour. Seven vehicles, including a bus with 26 people on board, fell 150 feet into the water. Thirty-five people died.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Bridge that collapsed in Baltimore: several precedents in the United States (I)

A container ship hit a large bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to plunge into the river below.

From 1960 to 2015, 35 major bridges collapsed worldwide following a collision with a ship or barge, killing a total of 342 people, according to a 2018 report from the World Infrastructure Association waterborne transport infrastructure (World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure). Eighteen of these collapses occurred in the United States.

Here is a list of notable disasters involving ships or barges that struck bridges in the United States:


March 20, 2009: A ship pushing eight barges struck Popp's Ferry Bridge in Biloxi, Mississippi, causing a 150-foot section of the bridge to collapse into the bay.


May 26, 2002: A barge struck the Interstate 40 bridge over the Arkansas River in Webbers Falls, Oklahoma, causing a 500-foot section of the road to collapse and plunging vehicles into the water . Fourteen people died and 11 were injured.


September 15, 2001: A tugboat and barge struck the Queen Isabella Causeway in Port Isabel, Texas, causing a midsection of the 80-foot bridge to fall into the bay below. Eight people died after motorists drove into the hole.

(to be continued)

Monday, April 1, 2024

Empty river barge hits bridge in China, at least two dead

The accident occurred in Guangzhou, in the south of the country, on Thursday morning. Three people are still missing, according to the local maritime affairs bureau.

At least two people died and three remain missing after a collision on Thursday  in China between a river barge and a road bridge, reports AFP. The shock caused a section in the middle of the bridge to collapse, authorities announced.

The empty barge was traveling between Foshan and Guangzhou, provincial capital of southern China's Guangdong, when it hit the bridge around 5:30 a.m. (Wednesday, 9:30 p.m. GMT), the business bureau said Canton Maritime Services. The ship hit a pillar of the Lixinsha Bridge, causing the deck of the structure to rupture and five vehicles to fall, either into the water or onto the boat below, he said in a press release.

According to the latest report provided by the office, two people were rescued, two died, one crew member was slightly injured and three people are still missing.

Dozens of rescuers

The Guangzhou Maritime Affairs Bureau said the cause of the accident was being investigated and rescue operations were continuing.

According to the Chinese channel CCTV, dozens of rescuers were dispatched to the scene, including some who came as reinforcements from the neighboring metropolis of Shenzhen.

Baltimore's nightmare returns: barge against bridge in Oklahoma

A barge crashed into a bridge in the US state of Oklahoma. This is what local authorities reported, specifying that the accident caused no casualties and that traffic was first blocked then reopened after safety checks.

According to what the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (Okdot) posted on its X account, US Highway 59 was closed on the Arkansas River, south of Sollisaw, due to the collision. The causes of the accident are currently unknown. Just last Tuesday, a merchant ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse, an accident in which six construction workers remain missing.

On May 26, 2002, in the same Arkansas River, also in Oklahoma, 14 people died and eleven were injured when another bridge collapsed, causing ten vehicles to fall into the water after a tugboat pushing two barges struck a pylon of the structure along the river. Highway I 40, the most important highway in the Midwestern state. In this case, it was an illness of the captain of the tugboat which caused the accident.

No injuries were reported on the highway or the barge, according to state patrol officials. The bridge crosses the Arkansas River where it enters the Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, which is not far from Oklahoma’s border with Arkansas.

The highway reopened to traffic around 4 p.m.

“Engineers inspected the structure and found it safe to reopen,” the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said in an email.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Is the TikTok algorithm sending you messages from the universe? (II)

“If you came across this video, it was meant for you”

In the part of TikTok reserved for New Age followers, this idea that the algorithm is a spiritual force that delivers messages to users at the right times has become a kind of evidence. Many influencers start their video by stating: “If you came across this video, it was meant for you. Stop scrolling and listen to what I have to say.” For followers of the laws of attraction, this ideology according to which the universe bends to our thoughts, then there is a certain logic: the TikTok algorithm reflecting our personality could respond to our desires or our questions. More prosaically, the application would have a whole bunch of tools to aim correctly and give you the right information at the right time.

The algorithm that loved me...

The thing is known: all beginner users start with the same experience on TikTok. The first videos that appear come from accounts with a lot of subscribers and always presenting similar content. You have to watch videos of young women waddling or pranks filmed in time-lapse for TikTok to start offering more specific content. It is in particular the watch time (the fact of watching the video to the end) and our engagement (the fact of liking, sharing or commenting on the video) which will give clues to the algorithm. It will be able to determine what makes us stay or leave a video. If you are a long-time user, it is easy to spot the moments when the platform offers you a new type of content that you might like.

The rest also comes down to suggestions and interpretation. As in the divinatory arts, everyone can interpret chance and other coincidences as messages from the universe.

...the app that sucks up my data

It remains to be agreed that TikTok is an application literally listening to you. Since 2020, we have known that the platform can activate the microphone of smartphones even when you are not scrolling videos. iPhone users are protected, but those on Android are therefore likely to be recorded without their knowledge. And that's not all. TikTok also uses so-called third-party trackers that tell the company about your online activity outside of its app. 

According to a report from the URL Genius site, 13 trackers out of the 14 on TikTok record your Google searches, your location, etc. When we understand to what extent each user is spied on by the application, then the magic tends to disappear slightly.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Black swan, the new internet trend after the Baltimore bridge collapse

Extreme-right commentators are claiming Tuesday's dramatic collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge is a "black swan" event, a niche phrase that has recently captured the imagination of internet conspiracy theorists.

What conspiracy theories are circulating on social media

"The ship was the target of a cyber attack. They turn off the lights and head deliberately towards the bridge supports. US foreign agents attack digital infrastructures. Nothing is certain,” wrote Andrew Tate on X, about six hours after the container ship collided with the bridge. "The Black Swan Event is imminent."

"This is a BLACK SWAN event," General Mike Flynn, Donald Trump's former national security adviser, also wrote on X. Others, including Benny Johnson, Laura Loomer, and some verified QAnon-affiliated accounts, can be found on a search quickly with the "black swan event", with many claiming that the bridge collapse was an act of terrorism.

"It looks deliberate to me. It's probably a cyber attack. World War III has already begun,” Alex Jones of Infowars wrote on X in response to Andrew Tate's post.

Is the TikTok algorithm sending you messages from the universe? (I)

More and more users believe that the TikTok algorithm possesses a form of divinatory magic comparable to the tarot deck.

“It’s a crazy story,” says François*, 33 years old. While someone close to me underwent an operation requiring them to wear a very specific medical device for a while, my TikTok feed offered me videos of influencers who were going through the same thing and who were giving popular speeches on this ultra-specific subject. However, I have never done any research on this on the platform and I had never seen any videos on this subject before the operation. I came to wonder if the algorithm was sending me messages. »

“Doctor TikTok sees into the future and brings back your loved one”

Halfway between wonder and paranoia, it is very possible that you have already read or heard this type of testimony. In the same way that we constantly have the impression that Instagram is listening to us, TikTok leaves all its users with a strange impression; that the platform knows us better than ourselves and that its algorithm sends us content which resonates very strongly with our private lives, to the point that it would play a role of divination.

In the media, many articles echo these funny coincidences, similar to Jungian synchronicities. In June 2021, GQ journalist Louis Hanson already found it strange the fact that the platform suggested videos to him on microbehaviors that he thought he was the only one to have, such as, for example, pretending to be surprised when a waiter brings him a dish at a restaurant.

(to be continued)